I expected the role playing and mutual masturbation (I much prefer the former to the latter). And I expected the long conversations about kinky and normal topics. What I didn’t expect was that men would spend their own hard-earned cash just to try to tear me down.

The calls are not nearly as frequent as others, but I can tell it is one as soon as the man speaks. There’s disdain and disgust in his voice as soon as I say hello.

Today, the man on the end of the line called my listing confusing because parts of it appealed to him and parts of it didn’t appeal to him. When I smiled and replied that I suppose I’m a complicated woman and asked what appealed to him, he told me everyone is complicated and that I’m not special.

I considered telling him off. Men like this are likely seeking a fight and a battle. I’ve met some men in this place and fought with them – given them the battle they truly desire. Just let them have it. I don’t mind the occasional spar with a true Alpha man… but only when his intellect and actual power are equal to our greater than my own.

I’ve been a professional writer for a decade – long before I started this little website. Calling my writing unclear may be a pointed attack, but it comments more on your own lack of understanding than it does on my ability to communicate clearly. If you are a real Dom and have the actual brains to best me, then bring it on… but if you’re just another average-intelligence, below-average cock, above-average dick – move on.

Now who’s going to buy Goddess something nice to make recompense for men like this dumbass?